{ Observa }
Aquest digi-stamp està realitzat a partir d'un dibuix per pintar, descarregat d'una web infantil i modificat amb el Photoshop.

He aprofitat per imprimir-lo en paper estampat, així un cop retallat he "decorat" la roba dels ninotets ... així tenim més realisme ;)

Aprofito aquesta targeta per a participar en aquests reptes:

4 comentaris:

Unknown ha dit...

Te ha quedado muy bien.
Un trabajo muy esmerado y con mucho gusto.
Gracias por compartirlo.
¡¡¡Qué tengas un buen día!!!
Cariños de colores y muchas bendiciones

Mian ha dit...

This card is absolutely gorgeous! Love the paper piecing and the image is totally adorable! Great design and fab papers.

Thank you so much for sharing your creativity with us this week at QKR Stampede.
Best of luck and we'd love to have you visit again!

QKR Stampede Design Team Member

Lozzy ha dit...

Beautiful card. Love the colours and your colouring. Thank you for joining us at Sweet Pea Stampers this month and hope you will join us again.
Lozzy x

Kym's Crafty Cards ha dit...

What a lovely card you have made. Thanks for taking part in the “Use a Digi” Sweet Pea Stampers Challenge this month and best of luck. We hope to see you back again very soon. Best wishes, Kym, Sweet Pea Stampers Design Team xxx

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